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Bad Motoring.. An out of the box solution!

If you live in Pune, or anywhere in India for that matter you may have come across dozens of people who flout traffic rules, park haphazardly, or drive or ride with a complete disregard to their own wellbeing or the safety of pedestrians and other road users. Tell you what, I have an ingenious plan to get rid of all the people in my city who either drive badly, park badly, violate traffic rules and generally piss you off. Here is how I plan to go about it.

Step 1:We start a fund to support this drive.
Step 2:We buy me an old T72B Russian Made battle tank.
Step 3:I either bulldoze/flatten or use my bazooka to get people to comply.

Its going to work, trust me. And this is the best solution, well apart from having the Italian Mafia marksmen shoot them down on all days excepts Tuesday if it happens to be the 29 of any month, however its not going to be as entertaining while dealing with the problem.
Be it the student cyclist or the bloke on the motorcycle, the cute girl on her scooty, even the well heeled businessman in his posh car, all seem to have one thing in common, the knack of breaking traffic rules. I agree all of us have at some point in time have broken some traffic rule or the other, however whats agonizing is that, it does not register that we are doing something illegal. Rules are broken just for the heck of it, out of habit and because nobody seems to have taught us the importance of doing the right thing. This I feel should be taught as a subject right from the grass root level in all schools and awareness should be created in the current crop of motorists as well. Otherwise even in 2050 we will still be no different from what we are today. Each and every educated parent should imbibe into their children the importance of road safety and that no matter how rich/poor/short/tall/educated/uneducated we are, traffic rules are the same for us and no one is above it. If you are an optimist I am sure this may work in the next couple of decades or so.
If you are anything other than an optimist, my aforementioned plan could be implemented, if you want a permanent and long term solution. Any of you who agree with the proposal can make donations to "Please support Dhruva's Plan to cure bad motoring," P.O. Box 397, Shankarsheth Road, Pune. And I shall of course take care of the rest, only please do not break any laws after that, for the T72B does not make out friend from foe, it is completely impartial and goes about its business with an absolute single minded efficiency. Any other suggestions on how to cure the problem are also well-come and you can write to me on the same address as above.


  1. true... we support u!!! i hope people learn how to be safe drivers..

  2. Man i like ur plan structure the most,its bit complicated & dangerous though but these ass jerks natures people need this only kind of penalization or u can say incarceration....but the fact is that until u collect the whole lot of money for the physical people crusher tank which can be estimated as 1.6million USD u can c the whole collection may take around 10 to 12 years...& though u make it who is giving u the affiliation to do so...think @ it dude... Thinking is one thing & implementing is another...but anyways happy that sum1 is Thinking for the country!!!!!... If such plans comes people would definitely be on track in no time mind u ha.... gud work man keep it up Mr.DHRUVA SALVI....Really appreciated for such envisioning for our own swades....keep posting such open ideas...I m with u...bye....


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