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Showing posts from May, 2010

Indian Soaps...

If your indian and speak any other language other than english as ur first language, which you probably do, and you have either a mother, grandmother, sister, or any such relative at home and like most indian homes if you have just one TV in ur home, ur going to know exactly what I am talking about. You have been subjected to emotional and mental torture from watching soaps in a vernacular language on prime time television..and therein lies the problem. To start with all of them are either family oriented soaps or dance shows, the comedy thingys are passe as of now; thankfully they were really getting on my nerves. So tell me who wears sarees worth 50 grand and gold worth 5 lacs when they're at home? Well lets overlook that.. and come to the actual soaps.. The plot almost always has to involve 2 women in conflict over either property, husbands, wealth, revenge, any or all of the above in not necessarily that order. The pace at which these serials r