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Showing posts from April, 2010

Dhruva v/s "The form"

I, recently having tricked someone into employing me, am going to get paid for my efforts. Hence I find the need to open an account in a bank. I have a wide choice of 2 banks to open an account with, namely HDFC and Axis bank. Excellent. Since I tend to run as far away from any geometrical sounding terms, naturally I shirked away from Axis and went in for the other choice. That is where it all began. How hard can it be to get yourself a silly piece of paper called an “ account opening form ?” Well the answer is Very with a capital V! My poor mum was the first person to have unsuccessfully tried to acquire the said form; she came back flustered not having remembered the name and address of my company. And hence I was personally required to get short leave and get myself a form. Fair enough, I did so at the next opportunity I got. Asked my HR executive where the nearest HDFC bank outlet was and I was on my way. Alas I was informed that the systems in the bank were down and

Hot Hatches

4/5 new cars bought in India are hatchbacks. No surprises there. 5 doors, Great packaging, easy to drive, more importantly easier on the pocket, simple to park and generally a hassle free way of put putting about. But nothing exciting really. Nothing that will make the 12 year old inside you sit up and take notice. Bread and butter in other words. No Mozzarella Cheese here. I wonder why. If Merc and BMW can manage to sell a few thousand units every month, surely car manufacturers like Suzuki and VW and Ford can manage to get rid of a few hundred hot hatches here can’t they? Why don’t we get say the new Fiesta, or the Golf GTI or even the 3 door Suzuki Swift that sells in Europe ? Someone somewhere has to realize that Indian customers are finally waking up to quality products priced appropriately are a better buy then your cheap and cheerful goods that need to be chucked outta the window once every couple of years. Imagine the Scirocco being sold here alongside the Fabia