If you live in Pune, or anywhere in India for that matter you may have come across dozens of people who flout traffic rules, park haphazardly, or drive or ride with a complete disregard to their own wellbeing or the safety of pedestrians and other road users. Tell you what, I have an ingenious plan to get rid of all the people in my city who either drive badly, park badly, violate traffic rules and generally piss you off. Here is how I plan to go about it. Step 1:We start a fund to support this drive. Step 2:We buy me an old T72B Russian Made battle tank. Step 3:I either bulldoze/flatten or use my bazooka to get people to comply. Its going to work, trust me. And this is the best solution, well apart from having the Italian Mafia marksmen shoot them down on all days excepts Tuesday if it happens to be the 29 of any month, however its not going to be as entertaining while dealing with the problem. Be it the student cyclist or the bloke on the motorcycle, the cute girl on her scooty, ev...