Cut your Fuel bills by upto 40%! Here is how.. Now I ain’t exactly what u call a nature freak, an environmentalist or a miser(debatable that one) when it comes to motoring, however I always end up getting more out of every drop of fuel than the joe average. No I don’t drive at 38.58kmph all the time which is incidently the speed recommended by my bike manufacturer for the optimum fuel efficiency , nor do I drive so slowly that I end up leading a procession of sorts behind me . All I do is follow a few simple rules to ensure that I get the best bang out of my buck when it comes to fuel. U could end up saving as much as Rs3000/- per annum on your fuel bills if u drive a car, and a third of that if u ride a bike should choose to follow these simple practices. 1. Tire pressure check: The most overlooked bit in the history of motoring. Not only do the tires carry your car or bike’s weight, that little cushion of air is also responsible for your safety. The best thing to do is...